Day 590

I sat with my work earlier today, listening to Sigur Ros and trying to drown out the ambient noises. It kinda worked. Wrote some new realizations down, legs fell asleep, took some pictures, realized that it was raining, walked around a bit, and finally saw pieces and installations that I hadn’t seen on Friday.  Looks good, guys. Impressive, even.

I’ll post pictures of my install later. Don’t want to spoil the surprise for anyone who hasn’t been in the gallery. *finger pointing*

Still working on stuff. You’d think that there would be some sort of lull, but nope. Animating and editing those damn paper puppets. Writing on the thesis paper. And making more things out of clay. Hopefully I’ll have one more firing before graduation, just to finish everything. Loading and firing an electric kiln is so much easier than firing my woodfire kiln. Not nearly as fun, but so much easier. There was an idea about naming all the boxes that Charlotte had mentioned a while back. I’m working on that. These bits will somehow be added to the boxes. It’ll make sense later. Thinking on what to do next, is that supposed to be the whole idea?

I’m going to go make stuff.

Day 579

I’ve been doing a little animating downstairs and have enjoyed watching Toby Hale put together his Transformers display and curse at the led lights in between takes. I’m not sure how many of these will make the final cut. I will continue to animate until my eyes are bleeding, I’m swearing like a sailor at everything, and my brain shuts down from not enough sleep.  Then, after a nap and a coffee, I will edit the final two cuts. I’ve also decided against the static. It’s a bit too literal and is too reminiscent of last year. Instead, I will invoke the time honored tradition of giving people something to stare at while they wait:

test pattern

Some people have already begun. I have a simple install and a couple more days to finish everything. Then install, sleep, dinner with my parents, and then the opening. And lots of drinking! Hahahahaha!

And the next bunch of craziness to edit:

Day 522

I had a fantastic studio visit today with Nicole Gibbs. There was significant discussion about happenstance, chance and centrifugal force vs intent, narration and still lifes. We also talked about scale, albino boxes, the black tiles in the gallery, and architectural deities. She left me with a lot to think about going into my next sculpture. Which I will start very soon. Especially considering how much time is left. Dun dun dunnnnnnnn.


94 tiny boxes. They fit into three packing boxes. A huge undertaking and yet, it seems like I’ve barely done anything. That’s what I get for working so damn small.


This is a potential section of the sculpture. Now, if I have 94 small boxes, 6 big boxes, 4 sides to the sculpture, 2 short films to shoot, multiple short animations, 3D thinking, 0 sleep and a dirty chai, how much work can I get done before I start smelling colors and seeing sound? Word problems in math, the bane of every six-grader.

I’ll have some animations posted soon. I’m going to go find some food and get back to work. That’s it. Come back later.