Day 613

Well, I almost have my degree. One more week. I just have to go and get the name tags out of the kiln. And organize my studio in which I have to find room for all my work. Hmmmm. There may be a bit of stacking. At least my boxes are square. That helps. There will be documentation of everything here soon. Including my thesis paper. Not that any of you want to read more of my ramblings, but it’ll be there. And if anyone wants to buy a box, let me know.

Thom and I will have our animations shown in the Canzani Auditorium this Sunday at 11:45 am at the Animation Roadhouse. Thanks to Charlotte Belland for putting that together. And on Monday, as part of ASPECT, my micro-animation-film will be shown at 7pm at the Gateway Film Center ($5 tickets). Yay!

That’s it. I’m going to go work.

Day 602

It’s almost over and done with. The show has been up for three weeks, my oral defense went well (and Nicole came up with a new term for what I do: a ceramic behavioralist. Haha! )Malcolm also mentioned that before I pack everything away, that I rearrange the arrangement of the boxes and see how far I can push them as sculptures inisisting that they are fragile. I should also send a notice to Columbus Alive that they miss-represented my work. They are not metal, dammit. But that was kind of the point. I’m working on my paper and animations. I’m going to try and get into festivals as well as galleries. We’ll see. I did not get into Ohio Shorts. Blah. There are a few more that I will apply to, thanks to Tracy’s blog. And pictures as promised.

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Day 590

I sat with my work earlier today, listening to Sigur Ros and trying to drown out the ambient noises. It kinda worked. Wrote some new realizations down, legs fell asleep, took some pictures, realized that it was raining, walked around a bit, and finally saw pieces and installations that I hadn’t seen on Friday.  Looks good, guys. Impressive, even.

I’ll post pictures of my install later. Don’t want to spoil the surprise for anyone who hasn’t been in the gallery. *finger pointing*

Still working on stuff. You’d think that there would be some sort of lull, but nope. Animating and editing those damn paper puppets. Writing on the thesis paper. And making more things out of clay. Hopefully I’ll have one more firing before graduation, just to finish everything. Loading and firing an electric kiln is so much easier than firing my woodfire kiln. Not nearly as fun, but so much easier. There was an idea about naming all the boxes that Charlotte had mentioned a while back. I’m working on that. These bits will somehow be added to the boxes. It’ll make sense later. Thinking on what to do next, is that supposed to be the whole idea?

I’m going to go make stuff.

Day 579

I’ve been doing a little animating downstairs and have enjoyed watching Toby Hale put together his Transformers display and curse at the led lights in between takes. I’m not sure how many of these will make the final cut. I will continue to animate until my eyes are bleeding, I’m swearing like a sailor at everything, and my brain shuts down from not enough sleep.  Then, after a nap and a coffee, I will edit the final two cuts. I’ve also decided against the static. It’s a bit too literal and is too reminiscent of last year. Instead, I will invoke the time honored tradition of giving people something to stare at while they wait:

test pattern

Some people have already begun. I have a simple install and a couple more days to finish everything. Then install, sleep, dinner with my parents, and then the opening. And lots of drinking! Hahahahaha!

And the next bunch of craziness to edit:

Day 569


Hahahahahahahahaha! It works!

I went to the thrift stores yesterday and, aside from the numerous versions of Trivial Pursuit, found two more working mini t.v.’s. They are about to be shucked and placed inside the boxes. This one has poor picture quality and may be disqualified, but we’ll see. It could be a different take on watching the animations. To what lengths will people go to watch t.v.?

I also submitted my microfilm (anything I make that is under 8 minutes should be considered a microfilm. Calling it a short seems too presumptuous)  to Ohio Shorts at the Wexner Center for the Arts this morning. Fingers crossed. I added music. Turn up the volume dear readers. Hopefully it will be accepted. Or a least make the judges giggle. Which is the whole point, in the end. Right?

Day 535

And many thanks to Charlotte who edited my storyboards and explained the rule of thirds in further detail.

No sound yet. That has yet to be determined if it will exist. We’ll see.

Thanks to that empty studio on the second floor, I now have a decent space to shoot in that doesn’t require me to clean off my work table. That alone could take me an hour. I’m a tad messy.

And that’s it. I’m going back to work.

Day 518

It’s been a while, dear readers. Oops. There are a large amount of boxes just out of the kiln. They are sitting in my truck right now, waiting to be brought up stairs and animated. Boxes and boxes in boxes. Inception, hmm…

We started discussing our thesis papers last week in thesis, and I laughed when I started to write down my bibliography. A lot of my research is going to be short animated films, feature films and t.v. episodes, whether it’s stop motion or traditional. It all ties into my baseline theory of humor. My research is actually fun, getting to watch stuff rather than read. Though I am doing a bit of that as well, mostly comic books. Hahaha! Don’t worry, it will all come together. I’ll make it happen.

Sentient Tricksters.

I am starting my second sculpture and it’s going to be a round one. And I’m going to throw them. Similar idea for now: multiples of one. And the locking table leg hardware just came in the mail and now I can finish my throwing wheel stand. Yay! I get to spend a significant amount of time in Battelle tomorrow not on duty. If we had a miter lock bit my life would be that much easier, but alas, no such luck. I’ll have to make due with a dado blade and a rabbet bit. Woodworking lingo! Anyway, as for the animation on the second sculpture, I may do something a little different. Charlotte Belland told me about this company here in town that prints lenticular images. Remember those “hologram” images for when you were a kid that changed as you moved? It’s lenticular printing. Awesome. I’m thinking about it as a possible way to present my animation. The viewer would have to walk around the piece to see the animation. Hmmmm…

That’s it. I’m going to go work now.

Day 465

BOXES! I’ve been trying to read a bit between making these things. It’s really hard not to get red iron oxide everywhere, including the books. Yay for Lava soap. Stuff’s amazing. Oddly enough, Rube Goldberg machines have come into my research. Not really sure why, but the humor and genius behind them is fascinating. Maybe it will lead to something later on…

But for now, I’m making metal things. Out of clay. Still.

Animations to come soon. Don’t panic.

pile o' boxes

These are the boxes that I have finished. There’s about 35. I didn’t actually count. Maybe later. Math, pbbbth.


T.V.’S! (damn you thrift store, why don’t these come with power cords?)


Pre-assembly as of this morning. There is enough material here to make another 25 boxes. I want to get these into the kiln before break begins. Here’s hoping. *clink*

I’ve found a new use for the FabLab: the ceramics spray booth. Making my life so much easier.

That’s it. I’m going to go work.

Day 464

This morning I got to fly a drone. HA! I need a lot of practice, but it was so much fun. I also got to talk with Kevin Finisterre who taught the drone class this semester and hopefully I’ll get to build one with him soon. Yeah, I have no idea what I’ll do with it, other than to bother people and terrorize my cats, but technology and learning! Yay! Though if I build one and somehow manage to film something with it and turn that into stop-motion… mwahahaha!

Day 451

photo It’s been a while. This might be a long one, so bear with me.

I got the opportunity to assist Elizabeth Fergus-Jean install her show that’s in the Ross museum at Ohio Wesleyan University.  It’s an amazing show. If you haven’t been, go. Now, you lazy bum. One third of the show is the installment of her boats in the main gallery. These are the infamous boats that I made over the course of the summer. Boats, boats, boats! And then due to poor storage, I had to fix several of them, but since I am amazing, it wasn’t that big of a deal. But it was quite the experience. And thanks to all of you who helped put it up. It looks awesome.

I also had my pentweekly visit with Malcolm, which went well; he emphasized that I need to be making more animations and I agreed. Damn you sleep! Who needs you?

And in our Professional Practices class, Melissa Vogley-Woods had us come up with 25 titles each for two pieces. Here goes:

British Roman Road3(detail)

  1. I Found This Scanadium
  2. A Large Asteroid of Lithium
  3. Broken Rubidium
  4. Indium Bottled and Ready for Transport
  5. Livermorium – maybe a rudimentary metal
  6. Forgotten in the Ununhexium
  7. Useless Barium
  8. Radium beam of I
  9. Witch Gallium
  10. Tin Leftovers
  11. Pretending Thallium
  12. Lead
  13. The U.S.S.Bismuth
  14. Flerovium – probably a basic metal
  15. You’ll Never Catch Me Copper
  16. Beryllium in Transit
  17. Welcome to Francium
  18. Chromium Instigator
  19. Element 115 – Ununpentium – will perhaps be a uncomplicated metallic
  20. Yttrium
  21. Wandering State of Magnesium
  22. Not a Wooden Nickel
  23. Lanthanum in a Satchel
  24. Hafnium Stairs
  25. Rhenium


  1. Cesium on a Plate
  2. Squared Strontium
  3. Element 113 – Ununtrium – will doubtless be a unsophisticated metal
  4. Scandium
  5. Titanium Boxes of Doom
  6. Willful Zirconium
  7. Niobium Came to This Conclusion
  8. Piles of Molybdenum
  9. Roentgenium
  10. Cubist Technetium
  11. Ruthenium with a Touch
  12. The Meticulous Rhodium
  13. Palladium
  14. Cadmium Turns to The Evil Forces
  15. Tantalum Invading Hoth
  16. Contained Tungsten If You Dare
  17. Osmium Accumulated Here
  18. The Iridium Irrationality
  19. Mercury In Its Basic Form
  20. Dr Neodymium
  21. Promethium
  22. Crafty Bohrium Waits for No One
  23. Meitnerium Goes Exploring
  24. Darmstadtium
  25. To Yet Be Discovered by Cerium

And if you’re still with me, I’m still making, animating, and not sleeping. Trudged through the cold and snow a few times, drove the forklift around Battelle until I couldn’t feel my face, my prof from my undergrad left a note in my studio, and I am getting tired of ham sandwiches. Had an awesome meeting with Charlotte where I learned more about which computer to buy, how to defend the animations a little better and zebras. I tried to fix the ceramic dept.’s airspray gun, but it may be a lost cause. I am looking forward to baking bread for Thanksgiving. And today I learned a little bit more about AE. Thanks, Thom. Stay tuned next time for a post about Thom Glick!