Day 566

Dear lord. Almost three hundred days. Geez. Well, I’ve been crazy busy. Working for LR has become my dream job that I didn’t know I wanted. What could be better than building different things every day and learning at the same time. I’m well on my way to becoming a master fabricator. And I’ve listened to an extensive array of books on tape. (It’s actually digital, but I like the old school terminology.) I also got married. And moved. And started moonlighting at CCAD as the ceramics lab tech. And been working on new storyboards. And I’m currently sitting in a storefront at Easton selling my wares. Come buy my things! Or spend your hard earned money on something else. No biggie. Whatever you decide to buy, make sure you’re supporting small businesses and artists. If you can’t make it to Easton today, come to the CCAD art Fair on December 3rd.

Just had a great conversation with Daniel from Seagull Bags about  American craftsmanship. Buy his bags. They are amazing! I’ve had one for four or five years and it still going strong and still waterproof. Support his small business. He’s a great person.

All right. I’m going to go sell stuff. And maybe get a burrito.


Day 288

It has been a while, dear readers. My apologies. You would think that life outside of school would slow down a little. Nope. It’s just as hectic if not worse. I love my fabricating job, working for a man who designs some badass things. We built a periscope last week. Looks like something out of a submarine. We spend long hours in the shop, and then when I get home I work on other, less important things. I’ve started a mini side business of personalizing/ ohio-ing glasses, I’m trying to work on animating more and keeping up with my art making practice, I’m reading more books, and I helping other people make stuff. Sundays I do laundry and sleep. Lol. My grad school schedule was a precursor to after grad school life. Meh.  Here are pictures of recent glassworks. Just for fun.

I’m going to go make tacos.

tumbler med
