Day 579

I’ve been doing a little animating downstairs and have enjoyed watching Toby Hale put together his Transformers display and curse at the led lights in between takes. I’m not sure how many of these will make the final cut. I will continue to animate until my eyes are bleeding, I’m swearing like a sailor at everything, and my brain shuts down from not enough sleep.  Then, after a nap and a coffee, I will edit the final two cuts. I’ve also decided against the static. It’s a bit too literal and is too reminiscent of last year. Instead, I will invoke the time honored tradition of giving people something to stare at while they wait:

test pattern

Some people have already begun. I have a simple install and a couple more days to finish everything. Then install, sleep, dinner with my parents, and then the opening. And lots of drinking! Hahahahaha!

And the next bunch of craziness to edit:

Day 535

And many thanks to Charlotte who edited my storyboards and explained the rule of thirds in further detail.

No sound yet. That has yet to be determined if it will exist. We’ll see.

Thanks to that empty studio on the second floor, I now have a decent space to shoot in that doesn’t require me to clean off my work table. That alone could take me an hour. I’m a tad messy.

And that’s it. I’m going back to work.

Day 518

It’s been a while, dear readers. Oops. There are a large amount of boxes just out of the kiln. They are sitting in my truck right now, waiting to be brought up stairs and animated. Boxes and boxes in boxes. Inception, hmm…

We started discussing our thesis papers last week in thesis, and I laughed when I started to write down my bibliography. A lot of my research is going to be short animated films, feature films and t.v. episodes, whether it’s stop motion or traditional. It all ties into my baseline theory of humor. My research is actually fun, getting to watch stuff rather than read. Though I am doing a bit of that as well, mostly comic books. Hahaha! Don’t worry, it will all come together. I’ll make it happen.

Sentient Tricksters.

I am starting my second sculpture and it’s going to be a round one. And I’m going to throw them. Similar idea for now: multiples of one. And the locking table leg hardware just came in the mail and now I can finish my throwing wheel stand. Yay! I get to spend a significant amount of time in Battelle tomorrow not on duty. If we had a miter lock bit my life would be that much easier, but alas, no such luck. I’ll have to make due with a dado blade and a rabbet bit. Woodworking lingo! Anyway, as for the animation on the second sculpture, I may do something a little different. Charlotte Belland told me about this company here in town that prints lenticular images. Remember those “hologram” images for when you were a kid that changed as you moved? It’s lenticular printing. Awesome. I’m thinking about it as a possible way to present my animation. The viewer would have to walk around the piece to see the animation. Hmmmm…

That’s it. I’m going to go work now.

Day 465

BOXES! I’ve been trying to read a bit between making these things. It’s really hard not to get red iron oxide everywhere, including the books. Yay for Lava soap. Stuff’s amazing. Oddly enough, Rube Goldberg machines have come into my research. Not really sure why, but the humor and genius behind them is fascinating. Maybe it will lead to something later on…

But for now, I’m making metal things. Out of clay. Still.

Animations to come soon. Don’t panic.

pile o' boxes

These are the boxes that I have finished. There’s about 35. I didn’t actually count. Maybe later. Math, pbbbth.


T.V.’S! (damn you thrift store, why don’t these come with power cords?)


Pre-assembly as of this morning. There is enough material here to make another 25 boxes. I want to get these into the kiln before break begins. Here’s hoping. *clink*

I’ve found a new use for the FabLab: the ceramics spray booth. Making my life so much easier.

That’s it. I’m going to go work.

Day 382

Making, making, making. It’s one thing to just make things, it’s a whole different fish to actually know why you’re working and what you’re doing. I’m in both camps. I need to keep working to figure out why I’m making, and this year is going to be a lot of thinking with the making. Good thing I’m a thinker. Thanks Strength-Finder, I had no idea. Hahaha! This year, I’m making larger piles of rejected detritus with tongue-in-cheek animations and a vague idea. We’ll see what happens. As for the animations, I’m going to keep working on those and eventually I’ll come up with an excellent reason why I’ve incorporated them into my subtly beautiful joke. Work, brain, work!

Day 369


photo 3 photo 1 photo 2


So, this is what I made over the summer. Or at least part of it. There ended up being 101 boats total. It’s not my project, it’s Elizabeth Fergus-Jean’s, but it helped me work through ideas and projects for my thesis year. And it’s going to be up in the Ross Museum at Ohio Wesleyan in November. I think the opening is Sun Nov 9th, 5:30-7:30 pm. I did make a animation of one of the boats which I posted earlier this month. Now if I could only get them out of my studio, I think they are starting to multiply…


Day 257

It’s now official: We’re second years. Scary thought. Now we’re going to be the wise ones, the ones who give advice, who know what they are doing. Hahahahaha! It’s been an incredibly long and tiring year, but I’ve learned a crazy amount. My brain needs a break. So I’ll document stuff today, sleep-in tomorrow and then go start my assistantship with Elizabeth Fergus-Jean. I’m stoked about that. Making things!
And I’m going to keep going with the animations. We’ll see where it takes me. Could be awesome. Could be a complete disaster. I’m going to make things for a little while without thinking about it and just work.
It’s raining. Makes me want to sit in my barber’s chair and make more functional cubes. Or play video games. I’m not sure which 🙂

Day 248

This is what I put together for the animation class that I am auditing. I’m not sure about the transitions. I both like and dislike them. Helpful, I know. And this is me experimenting with AfterEffects. We’ll see if i can get my computer to blow up before the end of the semester. I’m enjoying the animation process. And the lack of a long narrative.