Day 1048

Well, we had our talk and the opening (after the crazy snowstorm postponed it) and the teardown. Everything is currently boxed and in the garage, waiting patiently. Seems accurate, considering how I try and make fun of the human condition in my work. Haha!

Here are some show photos of my recent artwork at my show, “Praestigia” in the Schnormier Gallery:IMG_0636IMG_0638IMG_0642IMG_0643IMG_0644IMG_0647IMG_0648IMG_0652IMG_0653IMG_0659IMG_0660IMG_0663IMG_0664

And if you’ve made it all the way down here, congrats! And for a prize, one of my favorite jokes:

How many Fluxus artists does it take to change a light bulb?


Hahahahahaha! It’s ok if you don’t get it. Not many people do. Don’t worry about it.


And hopefully I will get going on those storyboards soon. So much stuff in my brain, I just need to get it on paper. Check back in about 6 months, dear reader. I should maybe possibly have something…

I’m going to go take a nap.

Day 958

Hiatus is officially over. It was never announced, but I’m unannouncing it. Is that a word? Eh, I’m still going to use it.

I’m making things again! Woo! No new boxes this time and sadly, no animations as of right now. I have ideas and a couple of storyboards, but nothing that’s going in my show. Well, mine and Jason Andrew Bowles. We’re showing at the Schnormeier Gallery in Mt Vernon. Opening is January 12th, 6-8 pm if anyone wants to make a road trip.

I’m continuing parts of my grad thesis and integrating others. It’s a bit vague in my brain right now, but it has something to do with society, people, humor, pareidolia, making, trompe l’oeil, and craftsmanship.  If you want to hear me drone on about it, I think our artist talk is at 5pm the day of the opening.

Pictures because everyone likes visual aids (they’re just in-progress studio shots so don’t get too excited):


And for for those of you who have read this far, a bonus image of the birds that I helped build recently with Felicia DeRosa: 746A5A41-1434-4B58-B6D9-9B2573BC2872

Day 566

Dear lord. Almost three hundred days. Geez. Well, I’ve been crazy busy. Working for LR has become my dream job that I didn’t know I wanted. What could be better than building different things every day and learning at the same time. I’m well on my way to becoming a master fabricator. And I’ve listened to an extensive array of books on tape. (It’s actually digital, but I like the old school terminology.) I also got married. And moved. And started moonlighting at CCAD as the ceramics lab tech. And been working on new storyboards. And I’m currently sitting in a storefront at Easton selling my wares. Come buy my things! Or spend your hard earned money on something else. No biggie. Whatever you decide to buy, make sure you’re supporting small businesses and artists. If you can’t make it to Easton today, come to the CCAD art Fair on December 3rd.

Just had a great conversation with Daniel from Seagull Bags about  American craftsmanship. Buy his bags. They are amazing! I’ve had one for four or five years and it still going strong and still waterproof. Support his small business. He’s a great person.

All right. I’m going to go sell stuff. And maybe get a burrito.


Day 288

It has been a while, dear readers. My apologies. You would think that life outside of school would slow down a little. Nope. It’s just as hectic if not worse. I love my fabricating job, working for a man who designs some badass things. We built a periscope last week. Looks like something out of a submarine. We spend long hours in the shop, and then when I get home I work on other, less important things. I’ve started a mini side business of personalizing/ ohio-ing glasses, I’m trying to work on animating more and keeping up with my art making practice, I’m reading more books, and I helping other people make stuff. Sundays I do laundry and sleep. Lol. My grad school schedule was a precursor to after grad school life. Meh.  Here are pictures of recent glassworks. Just for fun.

I’m going to go make tacos.

tumbler med


Day 199

Wow, really? It does not feel like I have been out of school this long. But I do have to start paying back loans now, so yeah, it makes sense. Bah. I am getting a good amount of reading in. I missed it. Next on my list is to reread To Kill a Mockingbird. And then I can read Harper Lee’s other book. Ha! That’s the way to do it; write one amazing book, and then 55 years later publish your second. If only I was that good.

I am good enough to be in the CCAD Art Fair, selling stuff. I will be selling some of my boxes from last semester, some pottery, and some stemless wineglasses with the state of Ohio sandblasted into them. Who doesn’t like wine? Mmmm.

I’m still making. Can’t seem to stop. Even if it is just little things around the house. Like Christmas stockings, bookcases, a firewood bin, and Ohio stickers. (long live the Oxford comma!) I’m also making a stop-motion puppet that I started last semester for a animation class that I was taking with Tracy Robbins. He’s halfway done at the moment. Looks a bit like a skinny gray alien version of the Iron Giant with a top hat. Pictures when he’s finished.

I did see Thom’s work that’s hanging in the Urban Scrawl Gallery. Fantastic. Go see it. Now.

I’m going to go make something. Coffee, probably.

Day 164

Good news, everyone! I have finally found a studio space that is not my basement. Huzzah. Thanks to a combined effort, there are a good number of recent graduates from CCAD (both BFA and MFA) who have studio spaces. Almost. They are putting up walls as I write this. Probably. I’m not over there watching like a creeper. Now I’ll have a space to make and a space to shoot. And a place to put all my clay so I don’t look like a hoarder. I also sold a couple of boxes. Yay for making money with art. More for sale. I’m putting a paypal button on my site. Buy my stuff.

That’s it. I’m going to go read.


Day 41

If you have been paying attention, dear readers, you will have noticed that the day counter has started over again. Why? Because my MFA adventure is over. Sad. But, onto a new thing, blah blah blah.

So, I emptied my MFA studio. Man, I have way too much stuff. But then I realized that it was 1/3 materials, 1/3 art, and 1/3 tools, furniture and things that I need to make my art. Makes me wonder why I was cursed with the talents to create. other people can walk around with a backpack full of all their earthly possessions and be content. Meh. I’ll take it.

I’m part of a small group of recent graduates from CCAD who are looking to form some sort of co-op studio/ gallery space. We just looked at an amazing building earlier this week. I really hope that we can invest in this one. Not only because it’s practically perfect for what we need, but because my basement is full and I’m keeping all my clay outside. I’d like to start making art again (and not just functional things, like sawhorses and cornhole boards, although that is also enjoyable) and our basement is not conducive to making messy things. Or animating. Or even decent lighting.

I’m going to go read now. Upstairs. Where there’s light. I’m not Gollum.